“I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny." Coco Chanel

Making Of in My Room! ♥

Hey Glamers!!

Finalmente rolou um tempinho pra eu gravar mais tutoriais. Agora só falta edição e efeitos que são trabalho do meu digníssimo namorado Andy e pronto.
Tirei essas fotos (sorry a péssima qualidade) pra vocês terem uma idéia do que vira o meu quarto em uma "simples" gravação dessas.
Espero que curtam os próximos videos, eles são feitos com as melhores energias.



Hey Glamers

Finally I rolled a little time to make more tutorials. Now we just need editing and effects work
that will be made by my lovely boyfriend and done.
I took these pictures (sorry the bad quality) to give you an idea of what turns my room in a "simple" recording session.
I hope you enjoy the videos coming, they are made ​​with the best energies.



My Romantic Dressing Table, Sony Z7 Camera and Monitor

One Sungun Light

One Tota Light

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